Friday, February 27, 2009

A Man Of Chess, Perhaps?

Severe time constraints hath, unfortunately, severely impacted the frequency of the blog posts that are otherwise regularly subject to postage. For this, The Blog Keeper would like to extend an apology.

But, in reality, The Blog Keeper has no regrets to this issue, as this is how The Aforementioned Keeper Of Said Blog deemed his precious time would be best spent. The prior extension of apology was simply acted upon as an attempt to appear courteous and abide by the wholly arbitrary and self-imposed rule of updating Said Blog as consistently as possible within the dimensions of having daily updates.

With that said, I present to you a Cool Thingamujig that is, in fact, quite cool. The subject being a man's paintings. The Aforementioned "Man", goes by the name of Gregory Manchess.

The Cool Thingamujig Of The Day(which, for those who hadn't noticed, has just been presented) is the online gallery of The Aforementioned Man.

The Blog Keeper, in all of his infinite wisdom(endowed by The God Of Bloggers Himself, fyi), would also like to encourage all(one of you) readers to look up more of his work, along with checking out his video from Massive Black. Though, in fair warning, the Massive Black tutorials tend to be more demonstrations thant "tutorials", per se.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Notepad And Memo Device Of Movement

Nintendo is a much beloved game developer/publisher. Most people, gamers and non-gamers, have had at least minimal playtime with some Nintendo game. For those who haven't, they are at least vaguely acquainted with some of the characters and the name of the company.

Nintendo is also known as being The Most Forward-Thinking Console Developer. Naysaying persons often refer to that Forward Thinking Console Developer as basing its success off of gimmicks. The Blog Keeper would like to argue against that concept. The Same Blog Keeper would also like to counter the occasional flak fired at The Most Forward Thinking Console Developer for having concocted consoles and controls schemes that were terrifically terrible.

The defense being that one(in this case, The Forward Thinking Console Developer) cannot advance without many trials and subsequent errors. The Greatest Artists were not born being able to draw and paint well, they practiced and went through many more hideous scribbles than they ever did masterpieces.

That's what The Forward Thinking Console Developer's Virtua Boy and Power Glove(perhaps the two most famous flunks) were. Not to mention the Phillips Cdi and its attrocious acts being the direct result of a contract deal with Phillips.

However, were they not willing to take such risks, they would have never known the nature of how stereoscopic 3d should be presented. How would they know that the accelerometer technology in the Wii would be useful without having tried it? Everyone shided the DS with its unimaginative name and "gimmicky" touch screen that would supposedly never amount to serious gameplay. Yet the popularity of The Dual Screen Device From The Forward Thinking Developer shows that it was not a simple kitsch that would quickly fade away.

In fact, Apple, which nobody ever seems to want to criticize, has made a killing off of employing the same concept in their own device. The iTouch is not original. It is simply a more PSP-like version of The Forward Thinking Console Developer's The Dual Screen Device, which is what many people said they wanted to see. Many said that the next iteration of the DS should void the second screen, in favor of the real feature they wanted to experience, which was the more tactile interface.

There are cartridges that allowed The Afforementioned Dual Screened Device to Dual function(which, in this case, totals it up to a trifecta of function) as an MP3 playing device, which precedes the iPod Touch(henceforth refered to as the iTouch), and gives it all of the same functions. An Opera internet browser allowed The Dual Screened, Triple Functioned Device to conduct all of the same, frequently used operations of the iTouch. On top of it, there are games in existance for The Afforementioned Dual Screened Device that do not exist for the iTouch, due to its own lack of buttons being quite inhibiting in the long run for gameplay funcitonality.

Of course, the iTouch has the capacity for interpreting to points of contact simultaneously. However, the precision and sensitivity of The Apple Device With One Less Screen is inferior, not to mention the inability to respond to a plastic stylus(The Blog Keeper understands this as a limitation of the electrosensitive technology that give the device its tactile function).

Even with 3 years of time to follow up and improve, The Apple Device With One Less Screen still has inferior aspects to counter its superior functions. Colors, a popular app for the iPhone/iTouch, was first developed for The Afforementioned Dual Screened Device. Now, in following, we finally conclude this rant on the part of The Blog Keeper, and are given the opportunity to witness The Cool Thingamujig Of The Day.

Moving Memo

This Cool Thingamujig's main feature of attraction to The Blog Keeper is its capacity to create frame by frame animations on The Afforementioned Forward Thinking Console Developer's Dual Screened Device. This is cool, indeed.

So, The Blog Keeper presents to you, The Cool Thingamujig Of The Day

Thursday, February 19, 2009

The Act Of Surpassing

The act of surpassing has little to do with this post, aside from the fact that it once again has put this blog in front of The Blog Keeper's Other Blog in number of posts.

Aside from that, The Blog Keeper would like to bring to your attention The Cool Thingamujig Of This Calendar Day. This Cool Thingamujig being a set of illustrations of various children's respective dreams.

Without further delay, The Blog Keeper shall present to you, the reader, The Cool Thingamujig Of The Day.

That is to say, The Cool Thingamujig Of The Day will be presented to The Reader(you), not that The Blog Keeper shall present you to yourself. If you believe you are in need of presentation to yourself, The Blog Keeper would like to recommend that you first seek medical help, as that can't be good for you.

Monday, February 16, 2009

One Hell Of A Story From North America

The Blog Keeper's continent of residence has an interesting moral tale to tell. Whilst far from being a marvel of technically impressive animation, there is an interesting story here with some powerful characters, their power being derived from their origins in human primal and philosophical thought. The story speaks for itself quite well, so The Blog Keeper will circumvent any more long-winded description and simply present to you, fine reader, The Cool Thingamujig Of The Day.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Experimental Animation Galore

The word "notebook" can mean multiple things, depending on context. Today's Cool Thingamujig Of The Day is a notebook of various kinds taken into a different context. In a fascinating display of witty animation, this digital notebook is made entirely out of paper. However, this paper is obviously some kind of magical electronic paper. How else to explain being able to run Windows XP on a screen that was drawn out with a pen? It's not as if one could use editing programs like After Effects to edit the footage and fake all of this obvious magic!

Without further ado, The Blog Keeper present to you, The Cool Thingamujig Of The Day.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Belated Celebration!

Of having matched the writer's original blog's 14 posts with the Cool Thingamujig Of The Day! Though, in counter, The Blog Keeper actually updated that blog which most would expect to be his "main blog". No, the writer will not be a self promoting dousche and get cheap on today's Cool Thingamujig Of The Day by linking his own blog as The Cool Thingamujig. The writer simply felt that the score count was interesting. However, it will likely be some amount of time before it's been beaten thoroughly enough so as to not want to come back for more beatings.

With that said, I present to you, without further ado, The Cool Thingamujig Of The Day.

Today's Cool Thingamujig was, in a sense, brought to the writer's attention by a friend. However, this attention bringing was not done in the traditional sense of being directly informed. Instead, One Of The Blog Keeper's Friends(yes, sole reader, you are not the only one) mentioned photo reference sites. In response to this, the writer recalled what then wasn't, but was later to be, The Cool Thingamujig Of The Day. This Cool Thingamujig Of That Day We Will For Now Refer To As Today, is an interesting website that centers around character design. Along with the artists that they occasionally feature, clicking on the "Photosets" link under "Archive" in the navigation bar that is situated on the left hand(stage right) side. Here can be found a nice collection of reference photos that can be practiced from. So, with the long-winded-ness out of the way-ness, The Blog Keeper hopes that The Reader enjoys The Cool Thingamujig Of The Day.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

That Mysterious Writing On The Wall

Today's Thingamujig is a short video showcasing some very skilled writers that not only have some beautiful 3d Wildstyle, but also did some very impressive background work. Let's also acknowledge their tenacity in restricting themselves to spraypaint cans, like so many muralists seem to do(which brings to mind the question of whether anyone has ever used oil paint to do graffiti, I have heard of house paint, etching fluids, markers are popular for tags....but has anyone ever tried oils?).

Questions of mediums aside, I present to you, the Cool Thingamujig Of The Day!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Art Of Imagination

The Art Of Imagination apparently has a society dedicated to it. Not only that, but they have a website! Or, perhaps it's only a website, with little or no society actually backing it....

Regardless! This web page of imaginative, artsy goodness has many interesting works. All of said "imaginative works" are packed into one website with a distinctly 90's look.

Again, regardless! The various surrealist and mystical works come in various mediums, from traditional to digital paintings to sculptures. The Society, as I will refer to it for the next sentence or two, is a cool place. So cool, in fact, that it is today's Cool Thingamujig Of The Day.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Paintings of Progress

Jeremy Geddes is an illustrator, who's work I saw in Spectrum. Definitely quite the impressive Thingamujig Of The Day.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

The Following Followup That Follows

Is here! As promised, the second Thingamujig Of The Day for the hypothetical morning readers to wake up to! Though it still follows the date constraints of a single Thingamujig per day, as more than one could be too much cool. Too much cool, it is well known, is perfectly capable of freezing all of the fluids in a human body. Seeing as how any readers will likely be human, and human bodies tend to encase a large amount of fluid, allowing these fluids to be frozen in the reader's bodies would be not only very irresponsible, but also quite rude.

If only there could be found some witty segway to move from freezing all of my readers' bodily fluids to the Thingamujig Of The Day, which actually has little to do with freezing anything. However, it is quite cool. In fact, the plausible segeway could have been that The Thingamujig Of The Day is cooler than average, since it is almost two Thingamujigs!

Don't worry, however, it is just slightly less cool than the temperature required to freeze your body into a human popsicle.

What is this Thingamujig posessed of such coolness, you ask? It is not only a link to the webpage of The 11 Second Club, but more specifically to their resource page, wherein can be found many high quality rigs to be used for computer animation.

The 11 Second Club is the spiritual successor to the 10 Second Club, which was a monthly animation contest in which contestants created a ten second animation to a specific, monthly audio clip. However, due to various issues, the site was closed down. The domain has had a 'coming soon' banner for a good while now, and it doesn't seem it will resume at any point in the near future, if ever. (oh dear....this is getting cooler than I much information!) has taken the liberty of creating a successor site. Their audio clips are supplied monthly, at 11 seconds in length, with the prize being a professional critique from a seasoned animator.

Not only does The Thingamujig Of The Day contain this information, but it also links directly to their oft overlooked resource page, which contains links to a series of relatively good rigs. In the blog keeper's opinion, the androgenous "Andy" rig is the best. However, "Max" is also a very nice rig, though the Andy facial controls seem to be somewhat more capable in his limited initial tests.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Real Cartoon Creatures

Today's fine Thingamujig of the Day is presented to us in the not-quite-as-fine evening. Why? Because the author of said blog of the fine things of their respective days does not make enough personal gain of any kind from "said blog" to merit being adamant that each day the mythical "readers" (which, in all likelyhood, do not exist) of the blog be able to wake up and find a new fine thing in the morning. However, on the bright side, the following morning will present these hypothetical "morning readers"(again, let us not forget that readers of this blog of any kind, regardless of nocturnal or diurnal preference, do not exist) may wake up to find two new Cool Thingamujigs, upon which they hath previously not laid their sites.

Along with this, today's fine Thingamujig presents us with some interesting situations of what most would refer to as "reality", composited into cartoons. Those same people would also claim that "reality", being "more important", should merit enough respect so as to demand that it be stated the Cartoon was composited into a shot of reality. These persons(who's existance we shall not acknowledge in this blog) would, however, be quite wrong.

Regardless of the offending person's unfortunate misconceptions, the writer of this blog does indeed hope that the hypothetical readers would enjoy today's Cool Thingamujig Of The Day, were they to witness its glory.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Right KIND of Bullshit

I myself, not another, would like to distinctly, with powerful words, proclaim my favor and respect towards this, the Cool Thingamujig Of The Day.

What could this, "this" be that merits such a vast level of respect and favor as "this"?

Well, "this" is perhaps the greatest essay I have read in any recent span of time. "This", give me hope that I will, in fact, distinctly enjoy my time spent in my English class, wherein we study what has historically been my worst subject, namely English.

"This" essay is an essay on academic bullshit, or "bull", as the author somewhat more kindly refers to it as. The basic premise being that "bullshitting" you way through a conceptual topic is superior to the churned out lists of facts that persons often present. The reason being that this(simply this, not "this" this) "bull" displays a greater amount of real understanding of the important concept at heart. Therefore, those C grade lists of facts are inferior to those large streams of structured, long winded, and overly "wordy"(it's a technical term) papers that are often failed(assuming the teacher is smart enough to catch the attempted bullshittery). However, neither of these sole components should merit a high grade. The reality is that the intertwined relationship of the two requires both of them in order to achieve a highly marked paper. The bullshit also merits a fail, however, it's a slightly more valuable failure. Since it at least demonstrates that some amount of value was gained.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Going Out Like A Man On A Date With Death

Today I present to you instructions on how to properly kill yourself. I second the article's opinion in that too many 14 year old girls are trying to slit their wrists, or overdose themselves with "painkillers" like aspirin.

What, you ask, could be the potential remedy to this malady of death's design?

Why, the answer, of course, is by killing yourself in the manliest way possible. In order to best facilitate re-skewing statistics in the favor of all those decent in this world, if one were to kill oneself, one must ensure that is is performed in the absolutely _manliest_ way POSSIBLE.

So, without further ado, please read the list and take the manliest way out that is feasible for whatever situation in which you may be.

This is, our Cool Thingamujig Of The Day.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Intricately Amazing Simplicity

Many believe there are formulas to success and good entertainment. Most successful enterprises have some sort of guideline for how they operate. In the film industry(with this current thought being more directly aimed at animation in a particularly specific sense) this generally means a common form as to how the characters are designed, the colors schemes are chosen, the plots are organized, any one or any many more of these can follow a form of formula from the vague to the decidedly un-vague and particularly precise. I am thoroughly amazed at the simplicity and amazing execution of our exceptionally fine Thingamujig Of The Day.

Their formula?

Two pieces of foam, three sticks, a handful of pencils, two kazoos, a guitar, a guitarist accompanying the guitar, and an excellent puppeteer accompanied by a strong character with tremendous determination make this brilliant video brim with utterly brilliant BRILLIANCE!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Nasal Brilliance

The narrator/host of Our Fine Thingamujig of the Day has one of the most infuriatingly nasal voices I've ever heard, which definitely does not assist in mitigating the distinct cheese factor that the aforementioned video possesses.

Nonetheless, this is quite the interesting little insight on storyboarding, while focusing on the Disney perspective of the subject.

Apologies for missing the prior day of the Cool Thingamujigs of Days will be bypassed, and instead replaced with a secondary post later in this calendar day.